
Vi do il benvenuto in questo spazio. Qui potrete leggere i miei pensieri, senza bisogno di super poteri.
Tutti abbiamo bisogno di un posto dove nasconderci dal trambusto quotidiano; per me questo è quel nascondiglio.
Buona lettura.

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giovedì 8 dicembre 2011

Night Sky

I looked up to the sky
And stopped thinking for awhile
Sometimes I just need that moment and feel like if I waste that single second I won't have it anymore
So, why taking a risk?
I've always thought that life was wade of apparently useless, anonymous photograms,
which summed up make out the pure sense of all the struggle we call "time"
It may sound too romantic or childish but, still,
I can't help being hoplessly attracted to this vision.
Sometimes the result pays the effort,
sometimes not
But this won't stop me from losing myself into a silly, ordinary december night sky
With all that it brings
With all that it means.

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